Vítejte na informačním webu firmy ŘÍDEL GEODET s.r.o. Naše firma zajišťuje veškeré zeměměřické práce v oblasti stavební geodézie a katastru nemovitostí s využitím zkušeností získaných v průběhu více než 30 let. Realizujeme zakázky pro občany, firmy či státní organizace. Jednou z našich specializací jsou výstavby či opravy komunikací, tunelů a mostů. Působíme převážně v Jihočeském kraji. S výsledky naší práce se však můžete setkat na celém území České republiky.
This is featured post 1 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 2 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 3 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 4 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 5 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 6 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 7 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.

This is featured post 8 title
To set your featured posts, please go to your theme options page in wp-admin. You can also disable featured posts slideshow if you don't wish to display them.